nature is art

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ode to Julie/ Julia!

Hello to you my one follower and my imaginary future followers. It has been so long. Let me update you? I have moved into my own sweet place in Aptos, which is in Santa Cruz County, just south of SC itself. I live three blocks from la playa. Live with Mose, who you have already met, my boyfriend Mikey who I have mentioned and our roomate, you don't need to know anything about him... Our house is an amazing place! Big backyard, plenty of space, lots of storage, awesome retro blue kitchen, vaulted ceilings, wood burning furnace, awesome neighbors... I'll stop there. We are a happy little family with our baby garden out back. We have strawberries, blueberries, jalapenos, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, basil and I don't know what else. The neighbors bring us rosemary and cilantro so we're set with those herbs. Other herbs have their own plans for this growing season ;). I love love love my new life here in Aptos, even with the constant road/ sewage maintenance work that goes on 360 degrees around me every weekday. My busy little life barely even notices it anymore. Mose hates it more than me poor guy. I have a new job at a great little sushi restaurant that I love! Just had my 26th Birthday that really got my wheels turning... why? Well, 25 seemed still closer to 20, (don't remind me the rules of rounding) 26 is so obviously close to 30. Here is where I want to begin my ode to Julie from the newest Cooking movie about Julia Childs. Julie Powell turned 30 in that movie and may I just say that even at my young age of 26 ;) I share this feeling of "what am I doing?" I am finishing my last prerequisite for Nursing School, which only promises a 3- 4 years wait before I get into the program. Long story short, I will have some time to kill. Is it very redundant and unauthentic to do something similar to what Julie Powell did with Julia Childs, but have no time frame, no official syllabus and no one role model to mimic? I would rather cook when I feel like it, based on any food that inspires me and that was originally cooked by anyone in the whole world. I don't yet know the criteria for my arbitrary mission, but I do know that I have one. First is to log on more than once a year and blog about... something. I have also been doing lots of arts and crafts, so perhaps I can blog about any of those projects, but on an uninventive day where arts and crafts seems like a mountain, simple cooking is always quite soothing. What do you think? I will think about this. I will perfect my mission. And as Julie says, "The Contender?" Lindsay. The Mission? I guess at this point my mission is checking in and blogging more. Hey, there's a good start. Now I just need to learn a little more about how this works. Perhaps I will tutorial myself on the protocol first, and then I'll blow your minds. Toodloo and uh, Bon Appetit...lol. Julie and Julia bruschetta tonight for dinner... yaya!