nature is art

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I just want to make this mobile blog app work!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Choose LOVE

G'day.. So many things since last time. Mike, Mose and I moved into a townhouse in Santa Cruz where we don't have a roommate to hate anymore :) We are just livin the dream in our cute little abode close to town, down the street from a friend, right on the harbor and across from a dog park where Mosey makes new friends all the time. We are in the midst of job hunting the both of us. Boy i'll say that times are tough these days. i have reached a very confusing crossroads in my life, yet again i should say.. i am curious about my degree in communications and whether or not i should use it to get a job while i figure out if i will wait to go to nursing school or if i should just take out students loans and apply to an accelerated program right away. i have been very involved in arts and crafts lately and am obviously interested in design, a healthy lifestyle, and have shown interest in public relations. i was thinking at trying my hand at PR again. here's why i'm thinking i might actually be good at it: i am very determined at this piont in my life. let me explain, i'm 26 and ready to buckle down with some work that inspires me. that is my problem, i am too inspired by the world these days that i can't just pretend that i'm not and go out every night like other people i know and just get drinks and waste money. i want to work hard at something that inspires me and really establish a professional means for me to be successful. it is hard to break into the professional world and get someone to believe that what i say isn't bullshit, i actually want to do work and do it well!!! i feel like public relations would be a way for me to feel connected to the world where things are constantly happening every day and that life isn't just about gettting food to the table (although i'll admit that my job is important to those who's day revolves around their sushi dinner...). i feel that public relations can be a cut throat, brutal business that is planning things for months down the road, but that is what is so exciting about it. i feel that i have a general knowledge of how the media works and could do some real damage if only someone took me on... right now i am on a nursing program waitlist that will take a few years to wait out, so i thought "it couldn't hurt" if i were to just try my hand at a job in the pr world or communications world. i am interested in intercultural communications, marketing, pr, entertainment, arts, a healthy lifestyle, tourism... and i am also interested in the medical field and actually helping people/ making a real difference in people's lives. what to do... going to bed now to sleep on it. hopefully answers will come. love you all!!!